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Dr. Ken Cukrowski

A native Californian, Dr. Ken Cukrowski did his undergraduate work in Bible and French at Abilene Christian University. Later, he completed his M.Div. at Yale Divinity School, and his doctoral studies in New Testament at Yale University (1994). He taught at Bangor Theological Seminary in Maine for two years before a three-year tenure at Lubbock Christian University. He teaches Greek, New Testament, and New Testament ethics courses at Abilene Christian University (1999-present). He also is also the Dean of the College of Biblical Studies. In ministry contexts, he has served as an associate minister, education minister, and youth minister. He works with the university ministry in his local congregation (Minter Lane). He co-authored God’s Holy Fire (2002) with Dr. James Thompson and Dr. Mark Hamilton and authored The Mystery of Godliness: Great Themes from 1 Timothy (2004). His recent work has been in Luke-Acts, Greco-Roman backgrounds, and intertextuality. He and his wife Karen have two adult daughters, Katie and Krista. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, running, watching movies, visiting National Parks, and eating dark chocolate.


Spirituality & Film

February 21, 2025
2:00 PM

Understandably, one might ask, “What does Hollywood have to do with Jerusalem?” Yet, like other art forms, film is a vast resource for theological reflection; film explores the full range of the human experience, from love and loss to identity and community to tragedies and triumphs—the list is endless. Together we’ll reflect on the ways that theological engagement with film can deepen our understanding of our world, ourselves, and our faith. Bonus: you’ll leave equipped to start your own movie night!

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